Download Smart Licensing for Delphi
On this page, you can download the desired copy of the Smart Licensing for Delphi software.
Please note
No software certificates in installers: Software certificates are not yet used in the installers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The software starts as a 30-day trial version. If you are a registered user, the software will be automatically unlocked after installation.
Software Suite Components
The software suite consists of the following components:
SmartLicenseManager.exe (the actual frontend)
SmartConfig.exe (configuration of servers or services and the SmartDBCreator.exe)
SmartServer4Manager.exe (server/service for the license manager as GUI)
SmartServer4ManagerService.exe (server/service for the license manager as Windows service)
SmartServer4Client.exe (server/service for client access, i.e. DLL, as GUI)
SmartServer4ClientService.exe (server/service for client access, i.e. DLL, as Windows service)
SmartDBCreator.exe (creates a new database in the directory specified in the SmartDBCreator.settings file)
SmartLicMan.dll (Client API encapsulated within the DLL)
SmartLicMan64.dll (Client API encapsulated within the DLL, 64 bit)
SmartClientReg.dll (Client API on the local level, i.e. encryption and registry access conveniently included)
SmartClientReg64.dll (Client API on the local level, i.e. encryption and registry access conveniently included, 64 bit)
Examples: a number of Delphi examples with source code
Download on Github
Password to run the setup: anything