Smart Configurator

Smart Configurator (SC)

The Smart Configurator (SC) generates configuration files that are essential for controlling individual smart software components and getting the system up and running. The corresponding configuration file should be placed in the same directory as the executable file.  The configuration file and the executable file have the same name, except for the extension.


The corresponding .settings file is first searched for in the Exe directory. If it is not found there, the .settings file is searched for under ..\Public Documents\SL4D.

In the event that the file exists in both directories, the one from the executable directory is prioritized and utilized! 

The SC creates the following files


The configuration file for the license manager


The configuration file for the SmartDBCreator (creates an empty database)


The configuration file for the license manager server as a GUI application


The configuration file for the license manager server as a Windows service


The configuration file for the "client" server (the one that receives your client's calls) as a GUI application


The configuration file for the "client" server (the one that receives your client's calls) as a Windows service


The configuration file for a hypothetical client, so that you have practical access to all attributes. This file does not have to be used in this way. You can also populate the client data individually.

Smart Configurator - files

The configuration files directory is the location where all configuration files are saved when the "Create Config Files" button is pressed.

The "Save Configuration" button saves the current configuration settings in the Smart Configurator. This allows the user to easily load the same settings the next time they use the tool. The saved configuration data is stored in a registry entry. 

Smart Config 4 Manager




Smart Config 4 Client




DB Creator


Please note

The newly created empty database should then be copied to the location where it can be accessed by both servers (i.e. the "Database File" field).

Please note

If you set the OnEncryption and OnDecryption events from the Delphi interface ILocalLicense and thus overwrite the original encryption algorithm from the DLL, you must also manually adjust the password in the generated settings file afterwards, since the SmartConfigurator naturally does not know your own algorithm.