License Manager - Statistics
Chart View
The statistics view, which can be displayed as either a chart or a table, provides extensive filtering capabilities to facilitate various analyses, such as by user, product, number of uses, and more.
The Statistics Chart view demonstrates the data drilling functionality of the ChartView along with a few additional features:
Data Drilling
Initially data (Licenses) is grouped by Product, Registered User and Real User, IP etc. The topmost level (Products) is visible. Licenses is the deepest level representing actual data.
To drill down you can click on a chart value or select a value from the list available for each data group on the toolbox (located at the top of the chart). This value becomes active for the data group.
To drill up you can simply press the right mouse button anywhere on the chart or select a data group on the toolbox by clicking its caption.
You can then drill up/down by clicking on data group captions if the appropriate data group active values are set already.
ChartView gives end-user the ability to rearrange, show and hide data groups. You can rearrange them by using drag & drop on the toolbox and show/hide them from/to the Customization Form (click on the toolbox's Customize Chart button to show/hide this form).
Customization Form
In addition to data groups, you can customize series (show/hide/move/sort) and other chart options (legend/title/toolbox/hints).
Diagram selection (in future)
You can choose which diagram should be used to display the chart's data by clicking on the link at the right corner of the toolbox (list of available diagrams will be shown).
Table View
The table view is another way to evaluate data besides the chart view.
Drag and drop columns: In the upper column area, you can drag and drop columns to group them
Set custom filters: Click on the filter icon in a column to set custom filters
Create highly dynamic evaluations: You can create highly dynamic evaluations here, print them out, and export them to various common formats such as XML, XSLX, HTML, TXT, and CSV
Save filters: The filters can also be saved in the customize dialogs for later use
The "Jump to licensing list" button allows you to directly access the data record on the "Licensing" tab, where you can edit the data if necessary.
Additional Notes
The table view is a good way to get a detailed overview of your data
You can use the filters to focus on specific subsets of your data
The export function allows you to share your data with others
We will continue to expand the functionality over time.