In the described scenario, the Smart License Manager and API DLL (both acting as clients) communicate with a server using Datasnap technology. Datasnap facilitates seamless data exchange and method invocation between applications running on different machines.
Key Points
Client-Server Architecture: The Smart License Manager and API DLL act as clients, while the server manages the necessary data and services. Datasnap provides the underlying mechanism for these clients to interact with the server.
IIS Management and Port Configuration: If the service host is managed through IIS (recommended), the ports in the clients should be set to 0. This is because IIS handles port allocation and routing for the applications, eliminating the need for clients to specify specific ports. The SmartConfigurator.exe tool can be used to modify these port settings.
Database Access for the Server: The server must have direct access to the database to fulfill its role in managing data and services. This ensures that the clients can effectively retrieve and update information from the database through the server.
DLL Usage: The DLLs are optional components that can enhance the functionality of the system. They can be used to provide specific services or data access. However, direct Datasnap communication is also possible, especially with newer Delphi versions.
Datasnap Communication: Datasnap is the core technology enabling communication between the clients and the server. It provides a robust and reliable mechanism for data exchange and method invocation.
Delphi Version Considerations: The use of Datasnap and the capabilities of the DLLs may depend on the Delphi version being used. Newer Delphi versions may offer more advanced features and functionalities.