
License Manager Settings

After how many days does the client have to go online at the latest?


This specifies the maximum number of days a client can go offline before needing to check in online.


"Days / Interval" (e.g., 14 days)


License Code Generation

Number of blocks 

The total number of blocks in the license code. For example, 5.

Block length 

The number of characters in each block of the license code. For example, 4.



How strictly are associated licenses taken into account in a time period [hours]? 

This question addresses how the software handles licenses associated with clients that have experienced an unexpected outage or crash. Specifically, it focuses on the timeframe after which a crashed client (unable to log off properly) is no longer considered "online" and its license becomes available for other users.


Let's say a client crashes 24 hours ago and hasn't logged back in since. Should this client still be considered "online" and hold onto its associated license?


Software licenses are often linked to specific clients. If a client crashes, it might not be able to properly log off, causing the associated license to remain occupied even though the client is inactive.

This question aims to clarify the configuration for handling license release during client outages. In this example, we're interested in the timeframe (e.g., 12 hours) after which a crashed client is no longer considered "online" and its license becomes available for other clients.

Please note

This is only relevant if the license record uses the "Concurrent User" model.